Tryton Marketing (Masterpost)

As defined on TUB23, here the start of Marketing development. This is the master-post and only links to sub-posts. For any further requests, make a separate post and tell me so I can reference it here. Cheers, Stefan.



  • Wiki on to write down corporate design, USPs and so on.
  • Write down a new marketing concept and discuss it


  • suggest, develop and execute new marketing campaigns
  • suggest, develop and execute website optimizations following CD. See also Website Optimizations
  • suggest, develop and execute SAO template optimizations following CD.


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What does “CD” mean?

CD = corporate design
CI = corporate identity

Is there a description from the time where the existing website was built? Was there perhaps a design company involved that wrote down something?

A web design agency was hired but just to create the style.
The content was built out of New website design

No worries :slight_smile:

If you would like to give me access to a wiki or something, I could start writing a concept…

Just create a post under the communication post, we can convert them to a wiki latter if needed.