Advice before trying out tryton on a different machine

so i have a laptop with these specs
cpu celeron
ram 2gb
storage is 32gb ssd
i was thinking of using this machine to learn development with tryton
will i be have issue using these?
how much space does tryton and all its dependency consume?

I do not think so.

Tryton does not consume so much resource. For example, our docker image it’s just 140MB.
A development environment (with all node dependencies needed from sao) requires at least 1GB

what linux distro do you recommend? ubuntu?

Any distro will do the trick. The one you are most familiar with.

As Sergi suggested any distro should work, and the one you are most familiar with will make things easier for you. I have successfully used both Debian and Ubuntu, so yes Ubuntu will work.

I have ran Tryton on a BeagleBone Black and Raspberry Pi’s, so your specs should be more then enough. I have for example a VM for development with 2GB of ram of which Tryton is using about 4% (80 - 90MB). Sao will need some power for compiling everything, but Tryton itself will run perfectly.

I’m more of an rpm-based guy with Fedora / CentOS / RHEL where CentOS is replaced by RockyLinux. But I’m also using Debian Bullseye at the moment and everything is just the same. Use a Python Virtual Environment and you are good to go. And because Ubuntu is Debian based it will work as well.

If you want to stay with a Debian based system I also recommend to look at ElementaryOS . If you don’t want to purchase it, enter 0 in the box and download it. It’s also Debian based but gives you also a nice desktop interface.