January 5, 2024, 10:07am
@ama , Thanks for still being around here, even you have a hard time to get Tryton running!
I assume that you are running Windows and trying to install Tryton. It can be a bit hard, but there are several posts here on the forum which hopefully will help you.
I have some posts, I linked to the solutions but it will be good to read the whole discussion to get the idea:
Here comes Wintendo specialist herrdeh… Actually, I succeeded in a Win$ install of Tryton this morning, so you may want to try this checklist:
## One-machine install on MS Windows
+ postgresql from https://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/
+ python from https://www.python.org/downloads/
Call PgAdmin and create a user role with password and a database. Enter the appropriate environment variable for python if necessary.
In the terminal:
$ python -m venv --system-site-packages …
I started my laptop and tried to run Trytond with sqlite, so no connection to PostgreSQL.
Downloaded the latest Anaconda Python package and installed it for me as local user. Added the Python command to the PATH.
Start the anaconda prompt
Create a virtual environment in a specific directory with python -m venv --system-site-packages .
Activate the venv with Scrips\activate.bat (you’ll see the name of the directory also in front of your command line)
Install Trytond with pip install trytond. …
It doesn’t matter where you place the trytond.conf, just use an absolute path. Examples:
Running with absolute path:
(tryton) E:\tryton>python Scripts\trytond-admin -c E:\tryton\Scripts\trytond.conf -d tryton --all -vv
Running with relative path:
It’s important where you are in the directory tree. In this case you are in E:\tryton and you have placed your trytond.conf in the Scripts directory.
(tryton) E:\tryton>python Scripts\trytond-admin -c Scripts\trytond.conf -d tryton --all -vv
And maybe other discussions will help as well, see https://discuss.tryton.org/search?q=install%20on%20windows
If you want to run Docker, see https://discuss.tryton.org/t/how-to-run-tryton-using-docker
Hopefully this will guide you in the right direction!