Help with tryton Windows 11 install

Here comes Wintendo specialist herrdeh… :joy: Actually, I succeeded in a Win$ install of Tryton this morning, so you may want to try this checklist:

## One-machine install on MS Windows

+ postgresql from
+ python from

Call PgAdmin and create a user role with password and a database. Enter the appropriate environment variable for python if necessary.

In the terminal:
$ python -m venv --system-site-packages [name-of-new-environment] # for example "try-60-prod" for "version 6.0 productive".

Change to the environment and activate it:
cd [name-of-virtual-environment]/scripts

Update pip:
$ python pip install --upgrade pip

Install Tryton.

To install a specific version, use two equal signs:

$ python pip install trytond==5.4.* # installs the latest Trytond version from the 5.4 series.

To install the latest version, use:

$ pip install trytond

Install psycopg2-binary:

$ pip install psycopg2-binary

In your virtual environment, create a file "trytond.conf" in the "Scripts" directory with the following content:

uri = postgresql://[name-of-database-user]:[database-password]@
language = en

(You wrote down the data above - correct??)

Install the list of modules you want to use:
$ python pip install -r [list-of-modules.txt].

Individual modules can be installed like this:

$ python pip install trytond_%% # "%%%" means the name of the module you want to use.

Make sure you are in your virtual environment and it is activated. Register the database in your VENV, the database will now be populated with the basic tables and data:

$ python Scripts\trytond-admin -c trytond.conf -d [your-database] --all -vv

Start the Tryton daemon with:

$ (your-virtual-environment)/Scripts $ trytond -c trytond.conf -d [name-of-new-database].

In the Tryton client you can now connect to the database. There you use 127.0.1 as hostname and [name-of-new-database] as database.

Translated with (free version)

All credits for this concept go to Sir @edbo, all mistakes are mine.

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