How to pay an expense without Invoice

Dear Community,

I want to pay an expense by Cash or Bank. I do not want to create a Supplier Invoice because I have no supplier information and do not want to use Account Payables.

How can I pay an expense without Invoice in Tryton?

Thanks all

You should create an account move with the expense account and the cash amount from where you paid the expense.

If you are using the account statement module, you just need to set the expense account on the statment line and the move will be automatically created when posting the statement.

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I want to add that it is against the accounting best practices which are to separate the registration of an expense with the payment.

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Thanks much @pokoli
But when I pay an expense, I want to use Payment method (or Payment Journal). So how can I do?

Dear Cesdric Krier
When I separate the registration of an expense with the payment, I need to create Supplier Invoice. Although I have no information of supplier, I still need create a supplier to create invoice. I do not want that, can I do faster by the other way?
Thank you

You can book the expense move manually (or by using the move template).
If there are taxes, you must not forget to include them to have proper reporting.
If you do not have any party, you must use a payable account without party required or as @pokoli said you can create the move between the cash account and the expense account directly.

Thanks for your help @ced
Thanks much!

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