How to Efficiently Manage Multi-Company Accounting in Tryton?

Hello everyone,

I have recently started exploring Tryton for managing the accounting needs of a growing business that operates across multiple companies. While the platform’s modularity and flexibility are impressive, I am looking for insights on best practices for efficiently handling multi-company accounting.

Here are a few specific queries :-

What is the recommended approach to setting up inter-company transactions: ??
How can we ensure proper segregation of data while maintaining ease of reporting across all companies: ??
Are there any specific modules or configurations that streamline consolidation or group-level reporting: ??
How do you handle currency exchange and reconciliation for inter-company transactions in Tryton: ??

I would appreciate it if anyone could share their experiences or point me to resources that detail practical workflows for this scenario. I have also read this thread but couldn’t get enough solution.

Looking forward to learning from this community’s expertise. Thank you in advance for your guidance !!

Best regards,
Marcelo Salas

For now Tryton does not create automatically inter-company transactions.
You need to book them in each company.

Tryton is using MulitValue fields to store a value for a property per company (like the cost price on product or the payable account of a party).
But by default referential data are shared between each company. So before starting with a multi-company setup, you need to be sure that it is the right option for your case. Sometimes it is simpler to use separate databases because the companies do not share enough of referential data for the cost.
Otherwise in case of multi-company setup, every transactional document is linked to a company which is by default the current company of the user who is creating the document.
There are many constraint to ensure that transactional documents are not mixed between companies.

There is the Account Consolidation Module which provides the tools to create consolidated balance sheet and income statement.

The currency exchange is computed using the currency rate at the transaction date.
And the Account configuration allows to setup a journal and accounts to reconcile payments when lost or gain are due to currency exchange.