Speaking for me personally, I am utilising the micro accounts discussed here for a services company, so I like the last option you mention ->
That said, I don’t fully know the differences between full accounts and micro/small.so its hard to comment more than that.
I am guessing after seeing previous company corp accounts its the level of detail required and the need to be audited.
I am not aware (but may be wrong) of differences between service lines, as isn’t it about the overall profit and loss + balance sheet, which might have different revenue/income lines but they are all still income.
I would be fine with one account that can have items removed if it is a micro or small business, but I’d really appreciate knowing that these type of options are available, so I don’t get swamped with detail of a full company account that I do not need to know at that point.
For non limited companies I guess it is again down to the differences, but I understood it is differences in tax bands and the classes of national insurance that are applicable. As well as different reporting requirements but they are not financial.