Add new category for message board

It seems there is a need for some users to post some kind of news or articles related to Tryton but not official announcement.
Some have used this category (which should be more about project organisation) and others are just asking for a place, so I propose to create a category " message board" (to discuss) where users are free to post news, articles, blog etc. related to Tryton.

I think we need first to clarify what is an official announcment? From what I’ve seen in several project such statements are normally published under the news categories.

The about category should be probably clarified:

“Discussion about the project organization”. I understand that the project is not limited to just but to anything related to tryton which is wider.

Why do we need to create an extra category? Which is the benefit of such separation?
For me it seems its just adding more complexity.

The project is the project. I can not understand how someone could understand it as anything other than the project.

Because people (who follow the categories) are missing a place.

A clear separation between what is the project and what is not. This seems not to be clear to some.

I do not see where is the complexity. We just add a new space for new kind of communication (that some where already be doing in the wrong place).

Of course because we are facing with people with several background (including some which are new to open source projects or others which have experience with others projects that have different ways). Diversity is something that should be considered.

With your definition everything is clear: “The project is the project”. Unless we make everything more clear there will be some confussions. Note that comunicating is hard and just a little details can make the others understand different thinks. So unless we make the effort to clarify the current categories people will get confused.

Having said that, if this is for organization, make it clearer with “Internal Organization” and then create a new category “External organization”.

No there is no internal and external organisation. There is only one organisation.

From my point of view, Tryton is bigger than and the “Organization” category is about and everything that is “official”.

Hence the need for a place where this kind of discussions can be held.

I also think that this community lacks a place where more lighthearted discussions related to Tryton that would be off-topic but wouldn’t be it in this category could happen.

It could be tutorials related to a specific setup, announcements, important stuffs happening to the company / people of the community.

I do not undersand why you talk about “internal organization” but latter:

If there is an organization, there are some discussions that happen inside the organization and others outside. :man_shrugging:

I still do not read any reason why such discussion needs to be done in a separate place.

Can some of you explain why we need such split? The proposal is about creating such split but it give no explanation why it is really needed.

If my memory is not failing we already discussed adding such category in the past (you proposed that). Before my first reply i searched for such discussion and I did not found it.

To be honest, I’m not against of adding new categories but I think we should make clearer what should be posted on each category before adding a new one. Other wise we will just have another category that will be wrongly used.

My bad, it is a typo. It should be project organisation.

Moderators will make the triage.

As moderator I need to know the criteria to make the triage.
Also if the criteria is public it will be easier for everybody to put on the right place and reduce triage task.

These are the right words! Sometimes I walk into a configuration issue and want to talk about it in the form of a tutorial / howto so others don’t need to search for the solution themselves. I can do it in a blog post etc but it’s way better to have it in the place where it belongs, here.

Why not something like “From the community”? It makes it very clear that everything in that category comes from the community. When things evolve, labels, tags or sub categories can be added.

I guess you mean a subcategory in “News”.
Why not but we have a trouble now because of Announcing

Also I think this can be larger and more information than just news.
So for me it is the equivalent of a white board at the office where people write messages and thoughts that are replaced by new ones the next week.

And who knows maybe from those posts the documentation can be made better by including some remarks or clarifying some wording.

Let’s work with example. What kind of topic could be problematic in your point of view?

The proposal is:

But it is not explained when it is place of “message board” (I do not mind about the name) and when it is place of the current organization category.

I’m just asking to clarify which are the criteria used for such new category and others for the new one.
There is an example about “official anouncement” and I asked what is official anouncement.

How can I answer to what topic should be problematic if we never said which kind of topics are expected to be posted on each category? :thinking: :thinking:

Because apparently I understand what the proposed new category is about, @ced understands it and @edbo too.

And as I really don’t understand what you don’t understand then I’d like to work based on example (also because I think it’s not something that can be decided by algorithm but rather by an IA like ChatGPT).

So please provide me some example of topics and I’ll let you know in which category I would put them.

I’ll start with some recent examples:

  • “Announcing” → Message Board
  • “Announcing the 7.0 release” → News
  • “Discussing rules” → Message Board (assuming people want to discuss it here which is OK for me)
  • “@edbo’s LDAP configuration issues and guide” → Message Board
  • “Announce about a GNU Health Job position” → Message Board
  • “x2m new buttons” → Feature
  • “Change to the website” → Communication

I’m missing an example about the Organization category. If this category is not really necessary just rename it to “Message Board”.

I’m proposing this rename because I understand that the proposal is to have a new category (named Message Board) for anything not releated to other categories.

“Add a new category for Message Board” → Organisation
“Call for election of the foundation board” → Organisation
“Creating a subgroup in heptapod for contributions” → Organisation

No, as the name implies, everything in that category is added by the community, where the name community can be used as wide as possible. Just like the name ‘organisation’ in the categories.

Well kick back :muscle: and rephrase Margaret Thatcher: ‘I want my Tryton.Community back!’ :laughing: Maybe call it ‘general resources’ or something because ‘message board’ seems a bit off here.

I hope the messages will stay right? I can imagine that some messages are move to other ‘official’ categories by moderators because they fit the right criteria.

It wasn’t about LDAP, but SAML. If Kerberos Authentication was merged I could have written about that as well.

I just mean that they are pushed at the bottom by new messages.

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What make this messages special that can not be included on Message Board or even on news?

For me the last two should be part of the news and not part of organization. The reason is because you are anouncing something to the public. Official announcement should be part of news so they get the proper visibility.

Even “Add a new category for message Board” should be part of “Ideas” because it wants to start a discussion but something that is not yet decided.