Starting Tryton Docker Containers back up after maintenance

So I’m new to Docker, but I’ve been using Linux and running servers for 15 years. I recently installed Tryton using the Docker image which was MARVELOUS and may very well lead to a new passion for me.
I’m just running through power out scenarios and planning some server maintenance. I’d like to know how do I get the containers up and running again after powering down the server? What commands should I run?

I’m running Docker on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

Thank you for helping an old server guy learn some new tricks! (or basic maintenance, as it were)

Normally Docker should restart containers that were running when it shutdowns.

For auto-restart, you can use Docker Compose which has a restart option. You can find example of such setup in tryton-docker-demo: log
There are other more complex orchestrators like Swarm or Kubernetes.