Set-up advise for manufacturing business

Hi, I’m looking to replace a existing proprietary ERP with one that actually works.

What we need and seems to be well supported by Tryton:

  • Customer list
  • Product list including our part number and customer part numbers
  • Product assignment to one or more customers
  • Quotes
  • Orders including a due date
  • Invoices
  • Reports
  • Tax for local customers and no tax for overseas customers
  • Credit accounts and limits
  • Order history
  • External order filing
  • Stock of raw material (in kg)

One issue I can see is that each product seems to requires a single price, when for us, unit prices tend to be lesser for larger quantities.

Our current quoting setup is an excel scripted workbook (yes, that level of brokenness), which handles:

  • A kg weight per 1000 quantity calculated from the material length per unit.
  • The manufacturing steps, including the section, machine, operation, setup hours and parts per hour to calculate how many hours of manufacturing per quantity.
  • Shipping costs, based off the postcode, with a minimum cost and a price per kg (with a multiplier for excessively large packages and pallet requirements etc).
  • Subcontracting costs, with a minimum cost and price either per each, or per kg.
  • Per order notes.

The manufacturing cost is then calculated per quantity from the material costs, manufacturing hours, subcontracting costs and shipping to give the price to charge.

Once an order is accepted, for each part, the quantity, manufacturing steps and the specification drawing is given to production for manufacturing.

I’m sure I could graft something on, but it’d be great if existing modules could be used to implement something similar to the above - suggestions are welcome.

Bonus features that would be a nice to have:

  • Part assemblies, where a single product consists of two or more parts made out of different materials, which are assembled together is handled in-band (including the assembly cost), rather than manually.
  • A listing of the outstanding orders, noting upcoming due dates, progress details (completed stages and progress comments) and hopefully even a day/hour calendar manufacturing schedule.


You can assign price by quantity. See Product Price List module. You can do a lot of interesting things with this module, but it can be a little difficult to grasp at first.
Do note that the first line matched is the one that is used. So if you want to have price by quantity, then you need to put the bigger quantity highest. You can re-arrange the list by drag and drop.

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In Tryton production includes the cost of the raw materials, work, etc in the cost of the product.
So if you had the product on stock you could use the stock cost, and use a formula in product price list to calculate the price from the cost.

But what you want is to calculate what to quote the customer without first doing the production.

I know that @pokoli specializes in production. Perhaps he has some ideas.

We can have a comment on sale, on sale line, and if this is not enough you can have a note attached to any record (including sale :slight_smile: )

We have Sale Supply Production. Not sure how well this fits your needs. But this is for an already defined product.

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From what I know part assemblies do not exist in Tryton, but you can always produce a part from two parts, or dismember a part by using production.
Perhaps the Product Kit module is what you are looking for.

  • Listing outstanding orders: sale module, you can see sale status, shipment status and invoice status.
  • If you mean listing outstanding production orders: see Production.
  • Noting upcoming due dates: If you mean payment due date, then yes. If you mean production due date then there is a field production start date that can be displayed in a calendar view.
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First of all welcome to the Tryton forum. Thanks for joining us and sharing with the Tryton community.

Answering your questions: most of what you want to achieve is already implemented in Tryton and what is not it will be easly doable by some customization code. Most challenging part here is to learn who everything is designed and how it works by yourself. So my bigest advice here is to join any service provider to learn the system and get dedicated avices for implemenation. Of course you can do that by yourself but it will be harder.

When facing a production project my first question is always the same:

  • Do you on demand production (each sale order is a different product and its components should be decided) or you do fixed production (the products are always the same and their materials is defined before the sale). The first will require some customization for now, the latter is most simple and fully soported by production modules.

We have customers of both cases, even ones that are mixin both aproaches and to be honest we still do not find a solution that works for all cases. Maybe you will be interested on reading On demand production where some of the ideas where discussed.

Having said that I will try to give a list of starting modules (ommiting what have been already answered)

That should be managed by sale_shpiment_cost module

You should have a look at the production modules, which may just be missing the calculation of estimated time of production. There are several solutions to the but probably the best one will be to integrate with a specialized tool like frePPle, as discussed in Production planning My team mate @acaubet did a talk explaining our frepple integration on the Berlin Unconference. Maybe that will be interesting for you.

That is managed by account_credit_limit module and sale_credit_limit modules.

For that you just need to define a tax rule for overseas customers. If you are from a country where an localization module already exist my recomendation is to activate the localization module as it will create the common taxes and tax rules.

Customers and suppliers are managed using the party module

The product module includes the code (which is can be considered as part number) and the sale_product_customer allows to define a specific part number related for the customer

Hope it helps!

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Thanks for that.

I’ll try those modules out and see how I go.

frePPle looks like it should meet our needs for pricing.

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