Marketing on Linkedin Tryton Group

From what I have seen, companies who cares about their brand have a ‘brand-guideline’. Employees creating documents (which are send outside the company) have strict rules which font and the size they have to use. Also layout of the document, logo, colors are bound by those rules. Templates and images both in different formats are available so the employee can use them.

To put this in perspective with the Tryton brand, there should be a document of some sort which describes the use of the Tryton logo and name, which combinations and colors. Also think about an advise which fonts, size and color can be used. Nice addition, add a presentation template with room for the presenter company, so when a company wants to present Tryton, this template can be used and hopefully it got recognized by the crowd.

To summarise again:

Tryton official channels should have their own style guide and all graphic releases should follow it. We don’t need to write a multi-page rulebook here - in my experience, CD guides are much better followed if they are quick to grasp and provide manageable examples. We should have one and first steps are already done. This is of course about content concerning

Then there are news that present special projects of implementers. These show the variety of possible applications. Here, however, the implementer can also clearly stand out. If the graphical representation meets minimal formal requirements, it will be gladly and preferably shared on the official channels. Here we should provide examples how to embed someting like “powered by tryton” .

I consider the concerns expressed here regarding fairness to be negligible. Those who say nothing cannot be heard - normal fact. But the possibility of being shared often may spur you on.

And how each company communicates for itself is of course not a topic for the community - one can only hope that Tryton is mentioned.

I do not consider this statement as fair. For example you may have a company that does a lot for Tryton (like bug fixing, answering on forum etc.) that has submit some success story but it does not have time to provide an marketing advise following the guideline. And you can have another company that contributes marginally to Tryton but submit a lot of marketing advise.
So for me it is not fair to push more companies that do only marketing. The community should treat every service providers equally. At least based on the number of success stories provided. This is on what Tryton / Communication / tweet · GitLab is based. But it can be improved to provide better advise (with pictures for example).
And in addition to such advise there are general marketing of the project which does not have any bias.

There we have misunderstood each other: A publication on the official channels naturally presupposes a news value and is in no way arbitrary. Shared news must have a value for the project. But the good thing is that many topics can get a chance to be noticed - commercial applications as well as non-profit ones. But as with success stories, you first have to have something to choose from :slight_smile: In my opinion, this decision would be in the hands of the Foundation.

After the first coffee, I made a quick sketch of how one can create relatively easy recognisability with few means (please do not pay attention to legibility).


Have we ever had such a problem? Sure - I for example can’t code and I was absent from the forum (because of certain reasons). But I invested quite a lot of money by developing through you developers. I also brought new customers and new projects. A lot of technology I initiated or pushed them to a state of usability. There are many ways of committing. And if there was anybody who tries to just take without giving, we are free to push him down, right?

Secondly. If there are developers that do not have power or knowledge of doing marketing, let others from the community do it for them. It’s like developing code, but developing the brand. That’s why we have this discussion here and we are still on it.
I love marketing and pushing things forward and in Jan’s heart I also see this fire burning. I’d also profit by having all these great stories of the developers and other integrators published. To win new customers, it’s fantastic to have nice stories - WITH PICTURES AND ANNOTATIONS. Just send us pictures of your customers or of a solutions you developed, so we can finger out a suitable “message” and bring it to the world. Then YOUR NAME is on the advertisement. This way, also the developers profit by getting crazy development projects, because Tryton is exactly made for that - custom extension modules for custom needs.

There is only one thing we’d have to care about: Project protection. If we have to fear others don’t hesitate to take over Tryton leads or customers from an other community member without agreement, that would reduce engagement. But that’s an other story we should discuss separately.

Please do not take it for you. I’m just pointing what could happen if we do not have clear (or lazy) ruling on this topic.

This is precisely the point. Some will help by coding other by other means but at the end it is the project that matters, not the individuals. So it is the project that should be promoted.

This is where I have a problem. I do not see how we can have a fair equilibrium on this except if the project channels are promoting only the project and their success stories.


Just an idea: We can just give anyone the option to promote their name in the Tryton channels as this benefits both the project and the name.

Maybe we just need to limit the number publications for a single name in a given time. So anyone that wants to be promoted can benefit from it.

For me this is still not fair.
If we follow the analogy with the code, it is like if we said that we accept once in a while a contribution for a specific need of someone.

So for me it is simpler that auto-promotion is done by success stories and service pages (where everybody is on a fair place thanks to the random display) and every other channels is to promote Tryton.

From my point of view there are two cases when dealing with promotion on the Tryton channels:

  • Promoting generic features (like the image with Xi Jinping): the material used for promotion must only make a reference to Tryton as a project (of course on their own channel, people are free to do whatever they like as long as it’s faire use … I like the idea that people should add a “Made with Tryton” in this case but I’m not sure I would like to enforce this).
  • Promoting an implementation (like the business cases and so on): the material used for promotion must of course make a reference to Tryton but also I think it should make a reference to the implementer / company.

I think it is vital for the project to separate strictly between the project and commercial services. Thus any direct intermixture of project/commercial service should not only be avoided, but even prohibited. We should also keep in mind that Tryton receives (or should be able to receive) several benefits as non-commercial OpenSource project, which could be directly compromised by statements as done on the first picture set.

Another issue for me is that from the first days of Tryton it was a (more or less) silent agreement to not use tryton.<tld> for commercial, company related purposes. Sadly this is broken by and I would really appreciate if there was put more effort to not confound project and commercial entities.


7 posts were split to a new topic: TLDs using “tryton”

Success stories and service pages are formal elements of the tryton community. There are already clear rules for this. But we are talking about social media here - and about actions to generate attention.

Let me put it more precisely:

  • first level: Posts concerning the foundation, tryton as software and community events. These follow graphic rules and do not promote individual companies.

  • second level: short posts reporting on the success of a project, the appearance of a third party module or whatever. If they follow a minimal graphical requirement with mention of the tryton project, are newsworthy and follow the goals of the foundation, they will be shared preferentially. Maybe it’s not worth writing a success story, but it would be a shame not to share it.

  • third level: do what you want on your channels, we would be happy if you mention tryton and might like or share it.

I think we are going in the wrong direction.
Social media of Tryton should be the relay of what happens in the Tryton community. So they should relay content that exist on the Tryton support like news on discuss, issue on bug tracker, success stories on the website etc.
I think we already have a place for each kind of content that was discussed and we have procedure to create them (MR on Tryton / Website · GitLab, news proposal on etc).

What we are missing is a team of communication, that review the proposal to enforce common style and to animate the social accounts (for now I think I’m mainly the only one who relay news).
I think this team already exist as Communication - Tryton Discussion, it just have to take the lead.

We also need some effort to solve Issues · Tryton / tweet · GitLab

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Do we get off topic a bit? Wouldn’t it make sense to move the discussion about top level domains to an other post? Here, it’s about Linkedin and weather or not to post content about Tryton solutions that go further than just update infos, new modules or announcements for an event - all stuff I actually wouldn’t be able to help because I don’t understand these kind of things. I could help by spreading content that is interesting for kind of people like me, more precisely people that might want to USE Tryton. My stories are about how Tryton works and how processes are managed. Further on, it’s about how companies that actually are working with Tryton and how they do it so other companies get an impression Tryton is worth having a look at it.

I totally understand if the community prefers it stays as it is. The internet is open and so there is other place to tell about these kind of things than on the Tryton Group of Linkedin. So, just tell me weather we go with Konfuzius “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to people.” or weather we go with Xi (top down ruling). I prefer first.

Hi Jan. Your idea with these different “roles” of committing or “kind of working with Tryton” makes communication much easier. It’s immediately clear who is talking, what his background is and what interest he might have (also developers do have special interests if they are working on non-core-modules and try to recommend their company for developing mandates). It will also be possible to extend these roles in the future if we need others. Nevertheless, “Tryton” is the strongest graphical element and stays in mind, what’s perfect. Thank you very much for the idea. wrote some few sentences down on the DC page and also drew three examples.

I’d be glad to start with projects now. Therefore, I hope it is possible to close this topic on that point and open a new one to collect interesting stories about core-modules, custom-modules and customers working with Tryton. I’ll then ask around for short infos and pictures to be published.

Beside working on the logo design with Jan, I started a Linkedin group that points less to the core team and development, but more on potential customers.

I’d be glad to post the same content also on the core Linkedin group if you are happy me to do so.

This group focuses exclusively on potential customers of, not on customers in general. Correct?

Business advertisements should IMO not be content of the official project group. There is (at least currently) no real content available apart from buzz words.

Yup. That’s what I meant above with “internet is open and there are other ways to go”. I don’t see it as other do here, but no worries, I don’t mind and “all streets lead to Rome” :slight_smile:
Perhaps there will be a discussion about developer-marketing in this Linkedin channel once - who knows :wink:

So we have different views about the goal of Linkedin and how to deal with it - no problem for me.

I’m very close to @yangoon opinon. To have clear rules I propose to have a Tryton guideline, like:

So, whereever this discussion ends, we do have the same rules for everybody :wink:

We already have one: Tryton - Foundation

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