How install Tryton in Windows 10? (Regular and Anaconda)

1 How can I install Tryton using regular method? I mean downloading the installer (step to step)

2 I found some forums that talk about install Tryton using Anaconda, but I did not find channels or guides, any help?

Tryton basically consists of 3 parts:

  1. Database, for a production environment this will be PostgreSQL.
  2. Tryton server, this talks to the database and has all the business logic like views, workflows and templates.
  3. Tryton client, this talks to the Tryton server and is the entrypoint for the user. It gets the views from the server and renders it into GUI components so the user can interact with it.

Most of the times the database and server (points 1 and 2) are installed on a GNU/Linux server. It’s possible to do it on a Windows server, but you are basically on your own. I did some tests but never used it in production. Better in that case is to use the Docker container which is a complete solution for points 1 and 2.

For the Tryton client, there are Windows installers available for download.

Go to Tryton - Get Tryton where you also find the Docker container there.

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+1 for simplicity, run the Docker container in WSL on Windows. You will need to learn about Docker and a little about PostgreSQL if you ever want to get your database out of the Docker container, but it’s the simplest path to get started with Tryton on Windows.

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I already installed PostgreSQL, But I have no luck with Tryton for Windows 10. I found some post related to install/use Tryton but I stuck in create a localhost in the Tryton GUI entry point, always drop “host not found”. Any simple doc could help,.

… About docker, I tested other Dockers and I found bad performance.

You need also the Trytond server. The reason to use Anaconda is that it basically has almost all the packages Tryton needs. Take a look at Is it possible to install tryton server on a windows desktop? - #5 by ioanp to have a small checklist.

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Containers are just processes. When performance is bad, it can be the container itself not configured properly or it’s your hardware.

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I started my laptop and tried to run Trytond with sqlite, so no connection to PostgreSQL.

  1. Downloaded the latest Anaconda Python package and installed it for me as local user. Added the Python command to the PATH.
  2. Start the anaconda prompt
  3. Create a virtual environment in a specific directory with python -m venv --system-site-packages .
  4. Activate the venv with Scrips\activate.bat (you’ll see the name of the directory also in front of your command line)
  5. Install Trytond with pip install trytond. This will install all the necessary packages needed for a basic system
  6. not needed if you use PostgreSQL create an empty file for the SQlite database with touch trytond.sqlite
  7. Create a trytond.conf file to specify the database location or connection. I used notepad for that. Add
uri = postgresql://<postgreUser>:<postgrePassword>@localhost:5432/
path = C:\Users\<username>\<location>\<of_your>\<configfile>

The uri is only needed when connecting to PostgreSQL. Replace all the <> with the actual values.

  1. Start the trytond-admin to initialize the database with python Scripts\trytond-admin -c .\<configfile> -d <database> --all -vv. A bunch of messages will flow over your screen and you will be asked for a email and password for the admin user.
  2. Start the trytond-server now with python Scripts\trytond -c .\<configfile> -d <database>
  3. Install the tryton-client the ‘normal’ way and you should be able to connect.

A post was split to a new topic: How to install using docker