Cannot login with admin after new setup


using venv and nodeenv. Created a virtual environment.

Installed trytond and all modules into it. Used nmp to install sao. Configured root=

Started test server.

Web client appears in browser, with login window. But:

  • whatever password I configure with -p does not work in login with user admin
  • after the password gets rejected by webclient I’m not asked for a password the second time, after entering admin as the username then immediately the rection error message is displayed

What can I do?


There is a protection which prevents to try too much wrong password.
You may have to wait the session timeout before being allowed to login again.

Which error message?


the main problem is that the password set with

trytond-admin -c $HOME/etc/trytond.conf -d tryton -p

is rejected, no matter what password is set. The error message is the same after I enter the password:

My question is if there are still known issues like this one:


No answer needed anymore, not finding any client working on macOS Sonoma on ARM64, and didn’t get the web client to work.

BTW: this discussion software is nice, what is it?

Is not working?
Could you fill a bug report?


I am not able to start this program. The documented way how to circumvent the missing signature does not work – there is never a button appearing in System settings where I could allow to run it as an exception. So I think signing those application bundles is not optional anymore.

I’m using macOS Sonoma 14.6.1.

Added issue #13540 with a bug report.

They seem to have hidden the “Anywhere” option: HOW TO: Open applications from “Anywhere” in macOS Sonoma

Good point. Thank you for the tip.