Installed tryton server on debian (ubuntu) VPS and configured with domain access.
have allowed in trytond.conf
1.web: listen =
2. dbase: uri: postgresql://DBuser:DBpw@domain:5432/
3. queue: worker = true
have added in pg_hba.conf
- host all all scram-sha-256 to DB admin login
have modified in postgres.conf
- listen_addresses = β*β
- port = 5432
- ssl = on
after these have run the below to restart systems
- systemctl restart postgresql@16-main.service tryton-server-uwsgi@tryton.service
on the web page i can see dbase name and user. BUT will not accept my password
have used trytond-admin -c /etc/tryton/trytond.conf -d DBname -p to get a new password in but still cannot access tryton server
HELP pls