Unconference talks ideas


I was thinking on some topics to propose a talk on the next Tryton unconference and I finally decided to ask for some ideas. If you have some topics that you will love to hear a talk about them please comment below. The idea is that there is some topic that has a lot of interest we will make an effort to include them on the unconference.

Here are some ideas:


  • Whats new on Tryton 5.2?
  • Use case: service companies
  • How to manage analytic accounting with Tryton?


  • How we deploy Tryton?
  • What should I take care to not kill Tryton performance?
  • Building mobile applications connected to Tryton

Just to clarify: Posting some ideas will not guarantee that the topic is included. If you have some topic that you want to talk about, please submit it on the website

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+1 how to manage analytic account
+1 how to deploy with custom modules

  • How to debugging inside Tryton.
  • Retrieve objects from Pool() according to context value on another field, maybe even use SQL queries. In general use pool in default_.

I do not understand what do you mean. Could you please clarify?

Yes, I just wanted to suggest a topic to go deeply using Pool () and in general retrieve dynamic information from db. I have read about pyson domains, but most of examples are static queries.
+ Functions fields, Its also and interesting topic.

I’m not able to join the conference unfortunately but will definately watch the recorded sessions later.

+1 mobile applications with Tryton
+1 use case
+1 how you deploy tryton


  • Setting dev environment, add a bug and fix an issue (tryton-env)
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For now, we have no team to record. So if someone volunteer, please contact also tum2019@tryton.org

Hello, I can take care of video recording of conferences. I am doing an email to confirm this.

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@ced told me that he was thinking about doing a talk about this.

I am curious because I will pretty soon develop a mobile application with a Tryton backend.
I opted for vuejs + nativescript or weex did you already worked on something like that?

Is it a talk about the internals of the Pool you’re talking about?

We used vuejs + onsenui. Which is very similar to what you are talking about here.

+1 to setting dev environment, add a bug and fix an issue (tryton-env)

I think it better suits for the codesprint. Core developers will be there to help new comers to contribute for the first time.

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For the record, we have received no proposal of talk so far (except mine about Docker deployment).