Tryton Release 7.2

We are proud to announce the 7.2 release of Tryton.
This release provides many bug fixes, performance improvements and some fine tuning. It also adds 5 new modules.
You can give it a try on the demo server, use the docker image or download it here.
As usual upgrading from previous series is fully supported but some manual steps are needed to update from 7.0 to 7.2.

Here is a list of the most noticeable changes:

Changes for the User


You can now request to reset your password from the login dialog. Doing this sends a temporary password to your email address.

The PYSON widgets display the value using operators which are more user-friendly.

Web Client

The binary and image widgets now support drag and drop to set their value.

Desktop Client

On list and tree views, there is now a contextual menu that allows you to copy the contents of a cell or a column.


It is now possible to modify the dates of a period even if it contains posted moves as long as the existing moves stay inside the new period dates. This useful to correct mistakes or even extend a period.

A warning is now raised when you validate an invoice for which some lines do not have the expected default taxes. This helps to detect mistakes.

When an invoice in another currency is paid, the currency exchange amount is now booked automatically into a configured account.

You can now enter the amount of the transaction in a second currency on statements. This makes it easier to do the reconciliation between the statement and invoices based on a second currency.


Employees are now automatically deactivated once their end date has passed.

It is now possible to use some placeholders in the header and footer of company reports like the company name, phone, website etc.


Some reports are now available on marketing scenario and activities. They calculate and display the open, click and click-through rates.

UTM parameters can be added to marketing emails so you can follow their results.


You can now store the Manufacturer Part Number and brand as a product identifier.

Tryton now supports to adding images to product categories.

You can now use non-square images on products. The module resizes the images to fit the requested size but keeps the aspect ratio.


The production number is now only set when the order progresses to waiting. This prevents the supply module from consuming number for production request that are subsequently deleted.


It is now possible to remove ignored invoices and stock moves from purchases. This is useful when you have ignored the invoice or shipping exception by mistake and need to correct it.


It is now possible to remove the ignored invoices and stock moves from sales. This is useful when you have ignored the invoice or shipping exception by mistake and need to correct it.

The product on sale opportunity lines can be omitted, a description and a note can be used instead.


The drop shipment (like the other shipments) can now be split. This is useful to match exactly how the supplier shipped the products.

The shipment numbers are now only set when it progresses to a waiting state. This prevents consuming sequences numbers for requests that are going to be deleted.

The lot trace now optionally displays the source and destination locations. This can be useful when investigating the traceability of a lot.

Web Shop

It is now possible to limit a web shop by country.

The web shop supports price lists to calculate the sale price and the non sale price.

New Modules

Stock Product Location Place

The Stock Product Location Place Module allows defining the place where each product is stored within each location.


The Account SYSCOHADA Module provides templates for the chart of account for OHADA countries.

Account Export

The Account Export Module provides the basis to allow accounting moves to be exported to external accounting software.

Account Export WinBooks

The Account Export WinBooks Module adds support to export accounting data to WinBooks.

Web Shop Product Data Feed

The Web Shop Product Data Feed Module exposes web shop products as a data feed for Google Merchant and Meta for business.

Changes for the System Administrator


It is now possible to update the database without updating the indexes or to create the indexes concurrently. These are useful options when updating busy system.

It is possible to define a timeout for some RPC calls. This helps preventing users from overloading the system with expensive requests.

Changes for the Developer


We added send_message methods to simplify sending emails using python’s Message.

A new kind of field fmany2one is now available, which is a type of many2one field but stores a different field to the id. It is used mainly in the infrastructure to create foreign keys based on a model or field name.

The read-only relational fields are no longer copied by default. This was source of various bugs as developers often forgot to disable these from the copy.


The clients read the xxx2many fields using dotted notation. This avoids making multiple requests when displaying a form with these fields.

The XML ID of a record is now displayed in the log window.


It is possible to configure the scripting client to skip any warning.


It is now possible to generate barcodes for a product using a different type than the one on the identifier.


The done buttons have been renamed to do.

Location name fields have been added to stock moves. This is useful to customize the information displayed in reports about the source and destination locations.


:+1:t5: :gabon: Merci !

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thank you for adding the OHADA chart of accounts

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I think it was left out from the Changes for the Developer section a important change in the XML files when creating a record of model ir.model.button whose field model that used to take an integer id of the model, now it takes a string of the model name.

As a example to illustrate this change is that if you had a button definition such as the following:

<record model="ir.model.button" id="move_update_analytic_button">
  <field name="name">update_analytic</field>
  <field name="model" search="[('model', '=', 'account.move')]"/>

Now before running it in version 7.2 you must update that into the following:

<record model="ir.model.button" id="move_update_analytic_button">
  <field name="name">update_analytic</field>
  <field name="model">account.move</field>

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