Set stock location physical max quantity for products


One of our customers need to prevent impossible physical moves due to the max capacity of a stock location.

I didn’t find a discussion about a way to set a max quantity for a product in a stock location.

The difficulty I see: a location can store different types of products with different UoM and measurements.

Any ideas?

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How you define the max capacity of a location? Based on the volume or based on what? I think you should clarify that in order to have a proper solution for your problem.

How you define the max capacity of a location? Based on the volume or based on what?

That’s the question! Did the Tryton community ever think about that?

I think you should clarify that in order to have a proper solution for your problem.

In a first time my question is generic (I don’t need a proper/custom solution right now): is it a way, even not yet implemented, with Tryton standard?

No, there is not way to limit the capacity of a location on tryton standard and I’m not aware (it does not mean it does not exist) that any third party module that adds support for limiting the locations that can be moved to a location.

Having said that, it does not seem like an easy problem to solve.

i guess the problem is to avoid wrong inputs or mis-configuration.
If it is physically impossible, it cannot happen.
Nevertheless, my opinion is that it would be nice to have a solution to check rules on inputs, error prone inputs in particular, and show warning messages when they are not respected.
Is there something for that already, or it is something we could investigate a bit more ?

It is always possible to create dynamic restriction on the location of a stock move using a domain.
But the same way we allow negative quantity, we should not forbid user to enter what he actually did even if for the system it seems wrong.
Also it could be possible to add warning when a stock move seems suspicious. But I do not think there are any standard criteria for such move.

I didn’t mean to make Tryton more restrictive.
My idea is to allow a user to set rules on a field as input control rules and/or default values, depending on specific business cases. Far from any standard by definition, but so useful to fit business requirements.
It may already exist somehow, but it seems that it requires some coding. Am I wrong ?

So you want user to develop that sounds like a bad idea.

It is not a matter of a user or a developer. I think the difference is whether rules are recorded in database or hard-coded in a specific module. Isn’t it ?

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