Missing menu and button labels

I’ve recently upgraded to 5.6.5. I’ve updated my database using tryton-admin but have noticed that some items (Validate, Post, Cancel in the Invoices Actions menu) are blank and the buttons (Validate, Post, Cancel) in the Invoices form have no text labels (icons are visible).


I’ve tried checking my language settings and translations.

I’ve run the database upgrade again and I receive dozens of warnings like the following:

Thu Oct 01 17:43:45 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field string of 39@ir.model.button not updated (id: invoice_cancel_button), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:45 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field confirm of 39@ir.model.button not updated (id: invoice_cancel_button), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:45 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field help of 39@ir.model.button not updated (id: invoice_cancel_button), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:45 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field string of 40@ir.model.button not updated (id: invoice_draft_button), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:45 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field string of 41@ir.model.button not updated (id: invoice_validate_button), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:45 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field help of 41@ir.model.button not updated (id: invoice_validate_button), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:45 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field string of 42@ir.model.button not updated (id: invoice_post_button), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:45 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field confirm of 42@ir.model.button not updated (id: invoice_post_button), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:45 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field string of 58@ir.model.button not updated (id: invoice_pay_button), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:46 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field name of 31@ir.rule.group not updated (id: rule_group_invoice), because it has changed since the last update
Thu Oct 01 17:43:46 2020] WARNING:trytond.convert:Field name of 32@ir.rule.group not updated (id: rule_group_invoice_line), because it has changed since the last update

This looks like the source of my problem. Any idea how I can resolve this?

Thanks in advance.

The warnings are probably from an old bug about non-canonical form used in ir.model.data.
You should force the synchronization of the data from the Administration > Models > Models > Data.

Thanks for the reply Cédric. I thought of that and there are no out of sync records. I’ve checked for out of sync records using the GUI and the trytond-console. Anything else I can check?

This is very strange because the warnings are about that precisely.

You should check the label of the Adminstration > Models > Models Access > Buttons and their translations.

The label, help, confirm, etc areas are blank. When I update one of the buttons that is missing a label, the label now appears. Is there a way to load all this data (sync) from the trytond code since I would have to manually update many entries?

I guess there have been a manual modification (probably through SQL query) of this data.
With the trytond-console you can search those ir.model.data record that correspond and call sync on them.