Migration from 6.8 to 7.0


  • [CONSOLE] After the upgrade you should fill the invoices amount cache using the following trytond-console script:

    Invoice = pool.get('account.invoice')
    invoices = Invoice.search([('state', 'in', ['posted', 'paid'])])
    for invoice in invoices:
        invoice.untaxed_amount_cache = invoice.untaxed_amount
        invoice.tax_amount_cache = invoice.tax_amount
        invoice.total_amount_cache = invoice.total_amount

    Note that this process may take some time depending on the number of invoices on your database

  • [UI] Add a default price list line if price list has none and it was relying on the fallback price.
    Since this changeset, the price list does not return the original price. So for example on sale the unit price can be empty.

  • [SQL] it is no more allowed to have line and account on payment, existing payment can be fixed with:

    UPDATE account_payment SET account = null WHERE line IS NOT NULL;
  • [REPORT] Many uom fields have been renamed to unit. You may need to update your custom reports.

:arrow_forward: Migration from 7.0 to 7.2

A post was split to a new topic: How to migrate to a newer version?

A post was split to a new topic: Tax identifier configuration values not migrated

A post was split to a new topic: AttributeError: ‘Transaction’ object has no attribute ‘_datamanagers’