Migration from 6.6 to 6.8


:arrow_forward: Migration from 6.8 to 7.0


If you have the module purchase_invoice_line_standalone, and want to maintain the 6.6 behavior (where it’s applied to all parties when the module is enabled) you will need to make an insert like:

INSERT INTO party_party_purchase_invoice_line_standalone(party, purchase_invoice_line_standalone) SELECT id, 't' FROM party_party;

From 524c080f1ebb it’s enforced to have None values on sale/purchase line if type is not line. If you don’t have any module that adds a sale line type you can use this to prevent error domain on processing sales:

update sale_line set quantity=null, actual_quantity=null, unit=null, product=null, unit_price=null where type != 'line';
update purchase_line set quantity=null, actual_quantity=null, unit=null, product=null, product_supplier=null,delivery_date_edit=null, delivery_date_store=null, unit_price=null where type != 'line';