Currently, in Supplier Return Shipments is required to set the unit Price.
I’m not sure about how to fill it, if it should have the unit Price of the purchase related or the cost of the product at the moment of the move creation or what.
Also, I’m wondering if it can be filled automatically because in my case, the users who are creating this type of shipments have no idea about pricing…
It must be the unit price at which the product was bought. Because it will be used to recompute the new average cost price of the product so we need to know the cost of them.
This is managed if you return the purchase instead of creation manually a return shipment.
And this will have the bonus to also manage the supplier credit note.
Most of the time, new user will not know “minus quantity” will lead to Return Shipment.
At of now, most of user will confuse how to link Purchase with return shipment, untill we tell them using “Minus Quantity”
Sometimes the product has a defect and we want to send it to the supplier and wait receiving it back fixed. Or perhaps the supplier sent an incorrect product. There is no need for credit note. Do you still think that we have to create a negative purchase in this scenario?
I know but I wonder if we have to involve the purchase department in this question… In my company we manage it with a purchase complain (outside Tryton). This is related with another discuss: Purchase complaint.
I really depend on how the company wants to manage that case. It could be like @pokoli says by using a +1/-1 but only if you want or have credit note and invoice correction sent.
Or you can just not receive the product in Tryton and keep a back-order.
Or as you said it could be managed by a complaint which will ensure the +1/-1 without invoices involved.
This is often found at reception so the best way is to not receipt it.