How to arrange items in the "Launch action" menu

In our model we have several wizards which are launched by action keywords.
We would like to arrange items (wizard names) in the “Launch action” menu NOT in alphabetical order.
Is it possible?

Indeed the sort happens in ActionKeyword.get_keyword. So you can extend the Model to change the order.
You should maybe consider to reduce the number of actions. For example, you can have a wizard that asks questions or decide which action to launch for the user.

But we don’t have a specific ordering rule. We would like to add action keywords in order of addition in xml, similar to how action buttons are added to the “Launch action” menu.
It is not logical that buttons are added in order of addition, but keywords are added in alphabetical order.

We did so in another model, which had similar actions.
But in this model the actions are completely different.

But actions are not defined on XML because they are available everywhere: any tabs, Many2One contextual menu, One2Many contextual menu etc.

If you want to define only for specific view, you must not use keywords but add a button (even invisible).

OK. We will use buttons. Thank you.

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