Export/mport data UNIVERSAL function

Good evening,

Definitely, everything is in docs, but may you tell me like I am five:
how do the export data from an arbitrary model?
items = Transaction().context['active_ids'] # list of selected items ids
a CSV format with all fields (including M2M, O2M)

I build already a pretty complex algorithm if recognizing fields names and it values:

    def populate_csv_data(self, input_model_instance,keys_only=False):
        # ''' Returns one copy of class by a call by extracting input_model_instance
        #   input_model_instance — a tryton Model
        #   keys_only — boolean — returns keys' names instead of their values
        _export_data = [] 
        _accepted_keys_types = ['char','text','numeric','integer','boolean','timestamp','float','datetime','selection','many2many','many2one'];
        ########## THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF THE QUESTION #####################
        _fields = input_model_instance.fields_get(level=2)
        ######## ModelStorage.export_data ??????
        if keys_only: # return a CSV line with keys only 
            _export_data = _export_data + list(_fields)
            _export_data.append('\r\n') # return data with ending '\r\n'
            return _export_data
        for _key in list(_fields): 
            # ———— Convert various types into CSV coded strings
                if _fields[_key]['type'] in _accepted_keys_types: #,
                    if key_value:
                        if _fields[_key]['type'] == 'timestamp':
                            _export_data.append('{0:%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p}'.format(key_value))
                        elif _fields[_key]['type'] == 'datetime':
                            _export_data.append('{0:%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p}'.format(key_value))
                        elif _fields[_key]['type'] == 'numeric':
                        elif _fields[_key]['type'] == 'integer':
                        elif _fields[_key]['type'] == 'text': # remove carriage returns from lines
                        elif _fields[_key]['type'] == 'char': # remove carriage returns from lines
                        elif _fields[_key]['type'] == 'many2many':
                        elif _fields[_key]['type'] == 'many2one':
                        # —— All other fields from this list
                        _export_data.append(''); # Add emplty if data is empty (None type)
                    _export_data.append(''); # SKIP cells of not permitted types
            # ———— Completed conversion various types int CSV coded strings
            except Exception as e:
        _export_data.append('\r\n') # return data with ending '\r\n' 
        return _export_data

How to get data from the model don’t knowing the keys?
How you would recommend to manage this task?


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Why do not you use the CSV export from the client?

I want to add some extra logic to the data conversion. Also, I want to create a “ONE BIG BUTTON” solution for the client.

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The ModelStorage.export_data can be customized if needed.
Or probably better is to add new fields (Function probably) that expose as a schema the special data format.
But the format used by Tryton is pretty standard.

Or if it is a special text file for a specific Model, you can define a Report for it.

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Either proposal is good!
Will create a report. The idea with having a hidden field with a schema — a great proposal!
Where I can find an example of ModelStorage.export_data usage?
Didn’t find in standard modules.

There are several examples in the export data tests :wink: