I have a error in module sale_stock_quantity when I process a sale of product and I don’t have any product in warehouse , and that return a message that “The forcast quantity -5 of is lower than 1” and the should return -1 , often tried with more products and I get things something like this
Forecast quantity is in the future (cantidad prevista)
Also I have doubts all screens that show “Alm*”. I think “Alm” is a warehouse name (Almacén). Check the context that calculate those fields.
Which tryton version are you using?
Could you reproeudce the steps on a fresh databse with only sale_stock_quantity module installed? If so, please fill a bug with the steps to reproduce it.
The sale_stock_quantity module takes also in the computation of the quantity the other sales in quotation and confirmed.
the version is 4.2 ,
Take care that version 4.2 is unsuported since we released version 5.2. You should consider upgrading to newer serires.
The time each relase is supported is described on Proposal for a new release process . You should consider using a long term support version if you want to reduce the need of upgrade.
thanks , you have reason
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