Continuing the discussion from Proposal for a new release process:
Officially the new release scheme was announced just after the release of 4.6 so it should start with 4.8.
I did not close the support of 4.8 after 1 year (already 1.5 years) because it sounded strange to still support 4.4 and 4.6 but not 4.8 (and error prone when back-porting patches).
But now 4.4 has reached its 2.5 years of support, so normally we should still support 4.6 for ½ year.
Instead I would like to drop support for all 4.x series now.
The arguments are:
- simplify back-port process
- simplify patches being only Python3 (as 4.6 is the last release with Python 2 support)
- no more Windows build with Python 2 (Lost of tycho (drone, backup and Windows virtual machines))
- Keep support 4.6 until 04/20
- Drop support of 4.x
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