Display different columns/fields in list view in different domain window

Is it possible to display different columns/fields in list/tree view in different domain window of an action?
If yes, please explain.

No, the view is linked to the action. But you can have multiple tree view on it and if your domain has a constraint like ('field', '=', <value>), the field will be hidden.
For example on the sale list, there is a state field defined but you do not see it except on the “All” tab.

I have two fields:

employee = fields.Many2One('company.employee', 'Employee', states={
    'invisible': Eval('type_of_examiner').in_(['external']),
    'readonly': ~Eval('state').in_(['draft'])
}, depends=['type_of_examiner', 'state'],)

examiner_name = fields.Char('Name of Examiner', states={
    'invisible': Eval('type_of_examiner').in_(['internal']),
    'readonly': ~Eval('state').in_(['draft'])
}, depends=['type_of_examiner', 'state'])

I have a tree as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <field name="employee"/>
    <field name="examiner_name"/>
    <field name="exam"/>
    <field name="state"/>

I have two domain windows defined as follows:

    <!-- Renumeration Bills Internal Bucket -->
    <record model="ir.action.act_window.domain"
        <field name="name">Internal</field>
        <field name="sequence" eval="10"/>
        <field name="domain"
            eval="[('type_of_examiner', '=', 'internal')]"
        <field name="count" eval="True"/>
        <field name="act_window" ref="act_renumeration_bill"/>

    <!-- Renumeration Bills External Bucket -->
    <record model="ir.action.act_window.domain"
        <field name="name">External</field>
        <field name="sequence" eval="10"/>
        <field name="domain"
            eval="[('type_of_examiner', '=', 'external')]"
        <field name="count" eval="True"/>
        <field name="act_window" ref="act_renumeration_bill"/>

But my list still shows both fields in both domain windows even though I want to show only one of these fields in a single domain window.
‘Employee’ show be shown in ‘Internal’ domain window and ‘Name of Examiner’ should be shown in ‘External’ domain.

Any help is appreciated