On some companies a party is assigned to a commission agent. Assigning an agent to a party means that by default the sales generated for this party generate a commission to the agent. Some examples:
A bussiness association refers the party to the company and it gets a commission for all the sales that generate this party.
When working with neighboring communities (which is the final customer) normmally there is a company that is responisble of the maintenance of all the properties of the community and this company gets a commission for all the sales related to the neighbours assets that they manage.
Add a rule engine on Party to allow to select the default agent based on a criteria. The default criterias will be:
Start Date
End Date
This rule engine will be used to determine the default agent of the sale but the user should be able to change it latter.
The problem is that we do not have on the sale the employee who fill it. So it may be complicate to understand later the choice of the agent without this information.
I always though that we should add such fields on the sale, purchase and invoice like we did on shipment but that’s another topic.