Custom WebApp in php

Goodmorning everyone,
I’m trying to make a Tryton Custom Web App in php.
I was able to log in to the server, get user preferences and CRUD operations via the command line.
To get the sidebar menu, first use the method to get the menu IDs and the method to recursively obtain menu and submenu info.
Question with practical example:
How can I get the “link” (or the call) that opens the partyes list when I click on the Party menu (with the text fields, button, etc.)?

What’s the point to recreate a client in PHP?
If you make a custom app, then do not care about the Tryton UI and plug only actions.

For some menu items (for example, Party list) I would like to use Tryton’s methods; for the add of specific moves (for example, Customer Return Shipment) I would like to create a guided procedure in php, which helps the user to fill in the fields (wizard step by step).

Won’t be easier to create this procedures using Tryton wizards? This will avoid to rewriting the php version and they have the benefit that can be used from desktop and sao clients.

Unfortunately, I’m not a python programmer (I’m sticking to the python world).
For business deadlines I have to create a web app to give to our customers to be able to operate from a tablet.