What are the create and delete permissions for fields used for?

Hopefully this will be a quick question!

What are the create and delete permissions in ir.model.field.access for?

From what I can see when records are created the create permission on the fields is not checked, but write permissions is: http://hg.tryton.org/trytond/file/f95be0d3807d/trytond/model/modelstorage.py#l145

And when records are deleted the delete permission on the fields is not checked: trytond: f95be0d3807d trytond/model/modelstorage.py

This all seems understandable and sensible.

However, that would mean that the create and delete permissions for fields do nothing. So I was just wondering what are these permissions used for? Or if they are not used for anything, what is/was their intended purpose?


They are only enforced on client side and it is for relational fields like One2Many or Many2One. They define the availability of corresponding buttons on the widget.

Ah, I see, that makes sense.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

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