Weight and total weight in a pick list

Hello fellow friends,

till now, I used the “secondary unit” module to get an item’s weight into my picklist. Some research made me think whether this actually is the wrong module for this purpose, as I need to set manually every secondary unit for every single product sold.

So I tried the stock_shipment_measurements module, where I can save the products’ weights. But now I need to know which statement has to be used in the report. At present, in my picklist I have a column with this statement:

<format_number(move.secondary_quantity, user.language, digits=move.secondary_unit.digits)><move.secondary_unit.symbol>

What would I need instead? - And which statement is for ‘total weight of all items in shipment’?

Or am I trying the wrong approach?

Thanks a lot in advance, Wolf

Wolf, take a look the fields of the Customer Shipment model:
Administration | Models | Models
There you will see very clearly the field you need.

I use this very often, it is a very useful tool to explore what data different models store.

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The module adds measurement fields on the product model. So you need to get those attributes from the product. You have moves and each move have a product and each product have a new field “weight” and “weight_uom”.

Also, for the total weight, you have 2 options:

  • sum yourself with a loop over the moves
  • if you have stock_shipment_measurements activated, you have there the weight of the shipment and the internal_weight of the move
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Thank you for your hints.

Unluckily, still I’m not a programmer, so I don’t have basic understanding how these things combine. I found the stock.shipment.out model and “weight” and “weight_uom” - but sorry, I don’t have any idea how to create an entry to the report.

<format_number(move.product.weight, user.language, digits=move.product.weight_uom.digits)><move.product.weight_uom.symbol>

You just need to go where Dimitrios pointed and follow the path from your current model to your desired field.

Thanks for your attempts to make it dummy-proof. This is my ungoing problem: You guys seem not to have an idea how little all these things are self-evident to somebody who only has a vague idea on all of you programmers’ concepts. For me, explanations in detail are essential. Sorry for that.

I followed Adria’s advice - but it will report the weight of a single item, not of the whole move line. How would I do that?

By multiplying the weight for the move.quantity

Thank you all, fellow friends. Separately mention deserves Mr. @Gruenfischer, how delivered the final clou.

This is what solved my problem:

In the pick list:

  • an additional column can be created for the weight per line, i.e. per consignment item, with the entry: <(format_number(move.product.weight*move.quantity, user.language, digits=move.product.weight_uom.digits) + ' ' + move.product.weight_uom.symbol) if (move.product.weight and move.quantity) else 'n.e'>.
    This also intercepts empty entries for the article and enters “n.e.” (not entered) there. This should work in the same way for “length”, “volume” etc.
  • The total (net) weight of a shipment can be determined by the entry:
    <format_number(shipment.weight, user.language, digits = 1)> <shipment.weight_uom.symbol>
    in a new line of the report, between the two </FOR> statements.

I added this to Tryton community wiki and our German Tryton-Buch, suggestions for improvement are highly welcome.

Still, I think it’s a pity that these source are not linked at tryton.org, such they cannot be as helpful as they could.


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