Use a theme for demo web client

We often get comments that Tryton is not eye-candy. This is based on a quick looking at the demo web client.
The rules for sao was to use the minimal CSS (not the theme) in order to use as custom.css any Bootstrap theme.
I think we could add to the demo one nice theme to give a better first impression. We could use one from

  • Cerulean
  • Cosmo
  • Cyborg
  • Darkly
  • Flatly
  • Journal
  • Lumen
  • Paper
  • Readable
  • Sandstone
  • Simplex
  • Slate
  • Spacelab
  • Superhero
  • United
  • Yeti

0 voters

Please test the theme on sao before voting, the preview is not enough to decide

If you know other theme we should test, please put it in comment.

Here is some screenshots of the paper theme (the one that has already some votes):


For the ones that find dificult to test a theme, please drop me a message and I will provide the same screenshots for the requested themes.

Just FYI. IIRC a few months ago we probed all the bootswatch themes and none of them fit perfectly into SAO.

Paper, in our opinion, is one of the best we can find out but as you can see it still have a little problem like the first screenshot @pokoli attached. In this case, for example, a selected row hides the values.

For sure a new theme will improve Tryton demo but I think it will need a few adjustments.

Here are some screenshots with the flatly theme:


I think they should be reported as bug. We should ensure that generic common themes are supported.

Here is a proposal for a default theme: Issue 9427: Use custom colors and material design - Tryton issue tracker