Update amount of inventory of merchandise


I would like to know how can I manage the follow case. The opening balance is:

Cash 3000
Bank 5000
Inventory of merchandise 1500
Main Receivable 500
@ Suppliers 2500
Capital 7500

Aditional I have the follow accounts in the chart of accounts.
@ Sales

  1. When I do a purchase the account move is similar to these
    Purchases 1000
    @ Suppliers 1000

Suppliers 1000
@ Bank 1000

  1. The a sale is done, the accounts move of the sale could be:
    Main Receivable 1500
    @ Sales 1500

Cash 1500
@ Main Receivable 1500

These steps are fully covered with sale and purchase modules.

  1. At the end of the month I need to update the amount of Inventory of merchandise account, according to the physical stock. I’m not sure if I need to do some account move manually or the move are already done, or maybe are some module to do that.

Thanks in advance for the help!

You can use account_stock_continental to do perpetual stock accounting.
Otherwise you can make manual account move by using the sum of cost value using the view “Products (Warehouse)”. You can see it by double clicking on the warehouse from the “Locations” tree.

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