I’ve updated my model’s selection fields type and added new options. When I try to update it by running tryton-admin
, why isn’t it working?
Could you provide what change you did and the log of trytond-admin
I changed this:
education = fields.Selection([
(None, ''),
('0', 'None'),
('1', 'SD'),
('2', 'SMP'),
('3', 'SMK/SMA'),
('4', 'S1'),
('5', 'S2'),
], 'Education', help="Education Level", sort=False)
To this:
education = fields.Selection([
(None, ''),
('0', 'None'),
('1', 'SD'),
('2', 'SMP'),
('3', 'SMK/SMA'),
('4', 'S1'),
('5', 'S2'),
('6', 'S3'),
('7', 'D1'),
('8', 'D2'),
('9', 'D3'),
('10', 'D4'),
], 'Education', help="Education Level", sort=False)
Still without the log of trytond-admin
, it is impossible to help you!
To add more context, what this means is that you can run trytond-admin
with -vv
like: trytond-admin -vv
So you will have the logs of all the changes that trytond-admin
is trying to perform, so hopefully we’ll see an error there which can help.
Thank you, I have figured out why this happened. It was because of the cache. I should have cleared the cache first.
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