Trytond-admin get stuck

i run trytond-admin to update my modules, and it doesnt show anything but does not stop too. is this deadlock?

(pors) tr@pop-os:~/tryton$ trytond-admin -c trytond.conf -d gcgsalus --all
/home/trytond/.virtualenvs/project/bin/trytond-admin:4: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See

Yes, it seems there is some deadlock. I will recomend you running in verbose mode (by adding -vv) to your command so you will see where it is stuck.

Also you will need to have a look on your database to see if there is some lock there.

Note that the trytond-admin command needs to lock tables as it may alter its tructure. This should be the cause of the lock.

Especially if the serveur is running while the command is ran.

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