Hello community, I am trying to install the web server for tryton.
I have created the virtual environment under python, at the time of installing SAO, I have installed 6.7, I am working with postgres, when I run trytond -c -d database and I start the service it gives me an incompatible server version error.
I’m trying to find some information on why I’m getting that 405 error.
The version of Nodejs is 12, I don’t know if this is the server incompatibility error.
thank you.
When you run trytond, trytond is the webserver. What you are tryting to install are the files that will be served by trytond (the webserver).
These files (sao) are a program that is served, and then run on the client’s web browser.
6.7 is a development version. Please use 6.8, or better, 7.0!
You need to check what version of trytond you have, and you need sao with the same series.
Ex. if you have trytond 6.8.x, then you need sao 6.8.x.
If you are installing from pip, you will most likely get trytond 7.0.x.
In this case you would need sao 7.0.x.
First of all, thank you very much for the contribution, I just downloaded version 7.0 of sao, the problem that when executing the command npm install – production … gives me several errors that I suppose must be from the previous version installed, Since I assume that what is already installed is not going to step on it, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me or tell me how to uninstall it and clean it before installing this more updated version.