Tryton as SaaS?

Hey is it possible that tryton can be provided as Saas ?
what are the challenges one could face while implementing tryton as SaaS?


Yes, why not

You will facd several challenges, like in any Saas.
For me one important challenge is user onboarding, finding an easy way to teach users the usage of Tryton.

Thanks a lot for the reply

don’t you think it would require a lot of developement ? since there would be many companies in a single database and every company had his own chart of account ?

In the Tryton case I won’t use a single database because the Parties and the Products are shared between all companies in the database.

In this case is better to use a separate database for each company. Althought multiple databases are supported, probably I will go by using a separate Tryton instance for each company otherwise it wont be possible to have custom modules for each company.

my question’s seems off topic … but what are the option for caas ? like a users comes and just signup for a trial and in return user get link for their server

Tryton does not have any option for Saas. This is something that should be implemented outside of the project.

sorry by CAAS i mean container as a service

My previous reply is applicable for Saas and also for Caas.
We do not care about how tryton is deployed, anyone can use the solution that works best for them.

To be clear:

Tryton does not have any signup link, you should design that yourselfe and have the proper code to spin up your servers or containers, create the database and return the link to the user.

There is no specific difficulty in hosting Tryton.
For example, you can give a try to
This is an automated provisioning solution.
And you can check the application to manage your services on this demo server admin/admin
Now the problem when hosting an ERP is that it never stops and never ends.
When you have many customers on line, there is little possibility to shutdown anything for a maintenance. It is not acceptable to backup/restore all customers because one of them was hacked. And a customer expects the service to last over years. Some of my customers have been online for more than 10 years.

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