Trydevpi available at

Following up the discussion in Provide development packages via trydevpi again I’m happy to announce trydevpi being available at now.

trydevpi provides Python packages of the Tryton in-development version

When working on a Tryton module on the in-development version (mercurial’s default branch) one might want to run tests locally prior to pushing. Running tests is done via tox, which tries to pull in-development versions of the packages. trydevpi provides these packages.

Use it like this::


tox -e py311-sqlite

Package Availability

For now, packages are build once a week. If need arises, we will increase the schedule.

Thanks for your effort on this Harmut.

This allows any external repository (like the ones hosted on to follow the same release schedule as in tryton or event to prepare such modules for the release of the next series by updating to default branch on the feature freeze and spot some bugs in advance. Of course, this will also benefit the tryton project because more testing before the release will mean that more bugs will be spoted.

This reminds my Why you should develop on trunk talk that I have in TUB2016. Its been a while but I think that all the concepts and proposals are still applicable nowadays.

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