Trade department often needs to get product last best purchase price or best purchase price for a new product. So this is not a purchase request, but just asking a purchase price to multiple suppliers to answer with a correct sale price to a customer request for a product.
A new price_request model will be added to track the following information:
Employee: The employee asking for price
Product: (optional)
Description: (required if no product)
Unit price: (Updated with the best quotation line)
Currency: (Updated with the best quotation line)
Supply: (date)
Quotation lines: One2Many on quotation_lines
Best quotation line: selection of the best quotation line (first one answered with best price by default)
State: [draft, quotation_lines states
A wizard asking for suppliers will create new quotations for a product price request. Maybe we could reuse the purchase_request_quotation module for this task (“request” field on quotation_line should become an “origin” field). Each quotation generated will copy information from price_request and follow the same workflow that the purchase_request_quotation module. An employee can follow the quotations on each price request and select the best quotation.
I’m wondering what is the benefit of the workflow? The employees could just update the “Product Supplier” prices when they receive the supplier answers.
Will it not be simpler to just have on “Product Supplier” the date of the last the prices review?
So true for the products we have already created the reference.
But we also have very regular requests for new products that we do not necessarily codified (created the article) because we will not necessarily find it or maybe with prices too high. And so the request will not go further.
Sales reps must centralize requests for the purchasing department to initiate inquiries with our potential suppliers.
Indeed workflow is not mandatory, price request state could be just [draft, updated] and a button to update product supplier (if product exists) with last price.
But why not any way create those products? It is not more work than create RFQ.
Then the proposal does not provide how those new RFQ will be grouped with those created from purchase requests.
I do not think it is a matter of last/best price. A request for prices should result in having all the prices in the “Product Supplier”.
But indeed, I do not think a request for price(s) is the same as a RFQ. Because the request for prices should not involve a specific quantity by all quantities. So I start to think that it should be a kind of workflow on “Product Supplier”. Those “Product Supplier” requested for prices may be grouped inside a document if needed.
Good idea to use product supplier… except it’s still on the product template, it should be on the variant (taking for example the t-shirt product: variant are sizes : so usually for the supplier, each size has a different code and price ) then we could use a wizard to ask price for the variant to multiple suppliers. (otherwise we had to encode all our products as template = variant and each variant is a template)
We noticed also some “ergonomic problem”… :
Following our case, we will use opportunity module to add a customer “wish”… the customer wants new products, so in the line tab, we click on add, on the product field → new … but it’s the variant form so impossible to encode our new product… (we have to encode all new products through the product menu before to encode the opportunity)