Sponsoring of 2 weeks to write the documentation


A frequent request is to have more documentation on Tryton.
And despite have rules like Require documentation update for any new feature to get more documentation, we are still far (<40%) from having documenting the basics of all the modules.
So my proposal is to spend 2 business weeks this summer to work as much as possible on (by priority):

  1. Review and finish documentation merge request
  2. Complete modules documentation following: Tryton - Documentation Guidelines
  3. Move Migration - Tryton Discussion to https://docs.tryton.org/
  4. Move some Howto - Tryton Discussion to https://docs.tryton.org/
  5. Write landing page for each icon on https://www.tryton.org/


The budget is fixed to 2000€ (without VAT).
The budget will be divided in equal parts between the contributors.
Contributors may add an upper limit (minimum 200€) to their contribution in case there are not enough contributors. For that they will just need to post a message with their limit (so others may anticipate their costs).
If the funding is not reached before July, the proposal will be retracted.


  • contribute
0 voters



300 EUR Upper limit.


We are ready to sponsor this with an upper limit of 600 EUR; we just need a receipt/invoice.


Of course we will reach out everyone who contributes to send the proper invoice

with a 400€ upper limit

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Avec une limite de 400 €


I’m ready for the upper limit of 350 €.

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How do we make the contribution?

Last time I contributed this way I was contacted when the work was finished, I received an invoice and I paid the invoice. I am guessing this sponsoring is the same. I see you have voted to contribute, so the sum should be divided between contributors.

Thanks to all participants.
As you are 9, it means that the cost for each one will be 222€.

Could each of you contact me via private message to give me the information to prepare the invoice:

  • name
  • VAT number (or equivalent)
  • invoice address
  • email address

We will send you the invoice in the coming weeks.
The plan is to work during the weeks 30 and 31.

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I can’t send to you a private message. I think it is because of my user level.

As @mano did not vote but he is participating. The cost is now 200€ per participant.

The 2 weeks come to an end.
I could do only the first point and partly the second.

You can find following the modules have been documented.
Some MR have already been merged and others are still pending: Merge requests · Tryton / Tryton · GitLab

Date Durée Description
04.08.2024 01:00:00 marketing_email
04.08.2024 00:15:00 marketing
04.08.2024 00:15:00 marketing_campaign
04.08.2024 00:30:00 google_maps
04.08.2024 01:00:00 edocument_unece
04.08.2024 01:00:00 edocument_uncefact
04.08.2024 01:00:00 dashboard
04.08.2024 01:30:00 customs
04.08.2024 01:00:00 company_work_time
04.08.2024 01:00:00 commission_waiting
03.08.2024 00:15:00 carrier_weight
03.08.2024 00:15:00 carrier_subdivision
03.08.2024 00:15:00 carrier_percentage
03.08.2024 01:00:00 carrier
02.08.2024 01:00:00 bank
02.08.2024 00:15:00 authentication_saml
02.08.2024 01:00:00 authentication_sms
02.08.2024 01:30:00 attendance
02.08.2024 01:00:00 analytic_invoice, analytic_purchase, analytic_sale
01.08.2024 02:00:00 analytic_account
01.08.2024 01:00:00 account_tax_rule_country
01.08.2024 02:00:00 account_tax_cash
01.08.2024 00:30:00 account_stock_landed_cost_weight
01.08.2024 01:00:00 account_stock_landed_cost
31.07.2024 00:30:00 account_stock_landed_cost
31.07.2024 01:00:00 account_stock_continental
31.07.2024 01:00:00 account_stock_anglo_saxon
31.07.2024 02:00:00 account_statement_rule
31.07.2024 00:15:00 account_statement_ofx
31.07.2024 00:15:00 account_statement_coda
31.07.2024 03:00:00 account_payment_stripe
30.07.2024 02:00:00 account_payment_sepa
30.07.2024 01:00:00 account_payment_sepa_cfonb
30.07.2024 02:00:00 account_payment_braintree
30.07.2024 00:30:00 account_invoice_second
30.07.2024 00:30:00 account_invoice_line_standalone
29.07.2024 00:30:00 account_invoice_history
29.07.2024 02:00:00 fix reviews
29.07.2024 01:00:00 account_invoice_correction
29.07.2024 01:00:00 account_fr
29.07.2024 01:00:00 account_eu
29.07.2024 01:00:00 account_es
29.07.2024 01:00:00 purchase_request_quotation
26.07.2024 08:00:00 ir
25.07.2024 08:00:00 ir
24.07.2024 02:00:00 account_dunning_letter
24.07.2024 02:00:00 account_dunning_fee
24.07.2024 02:00:00 account_dunning_email
24.07.2024 02:00:00 account_dunning
23.07.2024 01:00:00 account_de_skr03
23.07.2024 01:00:00 account_be
23.07.2024 02:00:00 account_credit_limit
23.07.2024 02:00:00 account_deposit
23.07.2024 02:00:00 account_cash_rounding
22.07.2024 01:00:00 account_be
22.07.2024 01:00:00 stock_lot
22.07.2024 04:00:00 account_asset

For the record I followed the alphabetical order and the last module done was marketing_email. It is 45% of the module but some of the remaining are already documented.

I guess we will need a second round to definitely complete all the modules.

So thanks for the support, it was intensive 2 weeks but I hope this will ease in the future the improvements of the documentation because it will be simpler now to write just a usage paragraph or to complete a description.


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