I’m trying to setup the Tryton on my Ubuntu 12.04, i’ve installed all the requirements, cloned all the modules to the appropriate folder, but i’m stuck with the “setup a database” step.
First of all, looks like the exact command to init the DB has changed the accepting args from what is described in the docs:
(venv_tryton)kulver@k-ubuntu:~/projects/semilimes/trytond$ python bin/trytond -c ../config_tryton.ini -d tryton --all
/home/kulver/projects/semilimes/venv_tryton/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/relatorio/templates/__init__.py:29: UserWarning: Unable to load plugin 'chart'
warnings.warn("Unable to load plugin '%s'" % name)
usage: trytond [-h] [--version] [-c FILE] [-v] [--dev]
[-d DATABASE [DATABASE ...]] [--logconf FILE] [--pidfile FILE]
trytond: error: unrecognized arguments: --all
Moving on… If i just try without it, or go with --dev
instead, i’ll get this exception:
(venv_tryton)kulver@k-ubuntu:~/projects/semilimes/trytond$ python bin/trytond -c ../config_tryton.ini -d tryton
/home/kulver/projects/semilimes/venv_tryton/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/relatorio/templates/__init__.py:29: UserWarning: Unable to load plugin 'chart'
warnings.warn("Unable to load plugin '%s'" % name)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bin/trytond", line 29, in <module>
File "/home/kulver/projects/semilimes/trytond/trytond/pool.py", line 155, in init
File "/home/kulver/projects/semilimes/trytond/trytond/modules/__init__.py", line 429, in load_modules
File "/home/kulver/projects/semilimes/trytond/trytond/modules/__init__.py", line 392, in _load_modules
'to remove'))))
File "/home/kulver/projects/semilimes/venv_tryton/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2cffi/_impl/cursor.py", line 30, in check_closed_
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/kulver/projects/semilimes/venv_tryton/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2cffi/_impl/cursor.py", line 263, in execute
self._pq_execute(self._query, conn._async)
File "/home/kulver/projects/semilimes/venv_tryton/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2cffi/_impl/cursor.py", line 696, in _pq_execute
File "/home/kulver/projects/semilimes/venv_tryton/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2cffi/_impl/cursor.py", line 757, in _pq_fetch
raise self._conn._create_exception(cursor=self)
psycopg2cffi._impl.exceptions.ProgrammingError: relation "ir_module" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "a"."name" FROM "ir_module" AS "a" WHERE ("a"."state"...
Just in case, my config file is very simple yet and looks like this:
(venv_tryton)kulver@k-ubuntu:~/projects/semilimes/trytond$ cat ../config_tryton.ini
uri = postgresql://kulver:1234@localhost:5432/
path = /var/lib/trytond
Maybe the docs are outdated a little? I’d really appreciate your help, since Tryton looks very interesting and me myself and the team i’m woring in is really looking forward to discover how cool Tryton is.
Thank you!