Send data between stateview and state action in wizard for report


i am trying to send data between stateview and stateaction in wizard but not sure how to do it

class CreateGSTR(ModelView):

    __name__ = ''
    from_date = fields.Date("From Date")
    to_date = fields.Date("To Date")

class GSTR1EXCEL(Report):

    __name__ = 'ir.model.gstr1'

    def execute(cls, ids, data):
        print("working "+str(cls.start.from_date))
        pool = Pool()
        Model = pool.get('ir.model')
        ActionReport = pool.get('')
        action_report_ids =[
            ('report_name', '=', cls.__name__)

        if not action_report_ids:
            raise Exception('Error', 'Report (%s) not find!' % cls.__name__)
        action_report = ActionReport(action_report_ids[0])
        models = Model.browse(ids)  
        output = io.BytesIO()
        workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output, {'in_memory': True})
        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
        worksheet.set_column('A:A', 2)
        worksheet.write("B1","Invoice Number")
        worksheet.set_column('B:B', 16)
        worksheet.write("C1","Sales Data")
        worksheet.set_column('C:C', 16)
        worksheet.write("D1","Customer Name")
        worksheet.set_column('D:D', 16)
        worksheet.write("E1","GST Number")
        worksheet.set_column('E:E', 16)
        worksheet.set_column('F:F', 16)
        worksheet.write("G1","Discount Amount")
        worksheet.set_column('G:G', 16)
        worksheet.set_column('H:H', 16)
        worksheet.set_column('I:I', 16)
        worksheet.set_column('J:J', 16)
        worksheet.set_column('K:K', 16)
        worksheet.write("L1","Round Off")
        worksheet.set_column('L:L', 16)
        worksheet.write("M1","Invoice Total")
        worksheet.set_column('M:M', 16)
        row = 1
        col = 0
        expenses = (
            [1 ,"SL/2021                                                          /02/0001","19-04-2021","Micheal","TAX123456","220660",0,"GST 18%",19859.4,19859.4,0,0.2,260379],

            [2 ,"SL/2021/02/0001","19-04-2021","Micheal","TAX123456","220660",0,"GST 18%",19859.4,19859.4,0,0.2,260379],

            [3 ,"SL/2021/02/0001","19-04-2021","Micheal","TAX123456","220660",0,"GST 18%",19859.4,19859.4,0,0.2,260379],

            [4 ,"SL/2021/02/0001","19-04-2021","Micheal","TAX123456","220660",0,"GST 18%",19859.4,19859.4,0,0.2,260379]


        for i ,invoiceno,salesdate ,customer ,gstn,rate,discount,gst,cgst,sgst,igst,rof,invtot in (expenses):
            worksheet.write(row, col,     i)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 1, invoiceno)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 2, salesdate)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 3, customer)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 4, gstn)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 5, rate)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 6, discount)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 7, gst)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 8, cgst)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 9, sgst)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 10, igst)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 11, rof)
            worksheet.write(row, col + 12, invtot)
            row += 1
        # output.close()
        return ('xlsx',, False,

class GSTR1Report(Wizard):

    'Export GSTR1'
    __name__ = "gstr1.create_report"
    start = StateView('',
        'gstr1.create_gstr1_report_start_view_form', [
            Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
            Button('Generate', 'generate_report', 'tryton-ok', default=True),

     generate_report = StateAction('gstr1.report_model_gstr1')

do i have to use


and fetch from_date and to_date while executing report ?

is there any other way ?

was able to get the data with the following

class GSTR1Report(Wizard):

    'Export GSTR1'

    __name__ = "gstr1.create_report"

    start = StateView('',

        'gstr1.create_gstr1_report_start_view_form', [

            Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),

            Button('Generate', 'generate_report', 'tryton-ok', default=True),



    generate_report = StateAction('gstr1.report_model_gstr1')

    def do_generate_report(self, action):


        from_date = self.start.from_date

        to_date = self.start.to_date

        return action , {

            'start_date': self.start.from_date,

            'end_date': self.start.to_date


class GSTR1EXCEL(Report):

    __name__ = 'ir.model.gstr1'


    def execute(cls, ids, data):


        pool = Pool()

        invoice = pool.get('account.invoice')

        date = pool.get('')

        print("working "+ str(data['start_date'])+ str(data['end_date']))

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