Search on categories

I there a way to search in fullname of categories ?

  - Cat2
    - Cat3
  - Cat2
    - Cat3

I want to know if Cat1 / Cat2 / Cat3 is present ? This on client or by domain query (in code).


Yes the TreeMixin used for record name of category has an implementation of the search_rec_name.
So you can search on ā€œRecord Nameā€ as usual.

I answer to my self, with rec_name for domain query (my first test donā€™t work, i dinā€™t know why, but now it works)

In the Tryton client if I write ā€˜Cat1 / Cat2 / Cat3ā€™ in search zone, it doesnā€™t return anything, what is the correct syntax to search in ā€˜record nameā€™ ?

You must search on the list and not the tree.

Ok, the query need double quote "Cat1 / Cat2 / Cat3".

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