We are currently developing the reservation system of a museum, which looks quite similar to what you describe here (As far as I understood it correctly). There is currently no tryton module to manage such workflow.
It’s not the first time I see a merge request with the Draft status. What does it mean in the Tryton developpement worklfow?
Do you mean Tryton offer a possible/easy calendar representation of records with dates fields (like productions have a calendar representation)?
I try to test/evaluate the Stock Consignment Module, but despite the existing documentation, I don’t understand how it work.
PS: By the way (and in a general constructive spirit - because I intend to support the whole of my business model on Tryton, as the most powerfull libre ERP ), it is not always obvious to “retrouver naturellement ses petits” and I think we have a job to do on this, in order to democratise Tryton for a wider user audience. But maybe we’ve been too used to ease, while behind every concept modelled in Tryton, there’s a complexity inherent in a trade or set of features. IMO
Cool. Were can I test it and, eventually, will it be merge on a future Tryton default branch?
Our development is private and we do not have any plan to submit it to tryton default branch. I think it is something that its not easly submited and it will require to first write a specification of the module to agree on the needed functionalities.
If you want to move it forward, it will be great if you can write a blueprint/idea topic with your requirements. I will be happy to share our desing there so we can evolve it to something generic that may land on tryton someday if our BDFL wants.