🍺 Schedule, booking and biling goods and services with Tryton


Je n’ai pas trouvé de module qui couvre la réservation et la facturation de biens et services “sur calendrier”.

Avez-vous déjà couvert l’exemple suivant avec Tryton?

J’ai des tireuses à bières :beer: :-):

  • J’ai un certain nombre de tireuses disponibles en location;
  • J’ai un planning de rĂ©servation associĂ©;
  • Je facture la location des tireuses;
  • J’ai Ă©galement toute une gestion aller/retour des fĂ»ts de bières qui sont consignĂ©s (Ă  laver, remplir, laisser reposer avant livraison).

Il y a aussi les visites de la brasserie:

  • Les clients s’inscrivent sur un calendrier avec un nombre de places et des crĂ©neaux disponibles;
  • On valide les prĂ©sences et on facture.

J’imagine que ce sont des problèmes génériques de réservation de bien et services, mais je ne vois pas comment l’articuler avec les modules Tryton actuels.

Quelqu’un aurait une idée?

This could be managed by the Sale Rental Module.

I guess it is a product that your “sold” and reimburse when it is returned.
But I do not think you need to “manage” them.

This is purely a calendar thing. It is simpler to just use a calendar.

Not sure to understand.
Do you mean something like the Stock Consignment Module?

We are currently developing the reservation system of a museum, which looks quite similar to what you describe here (As far as I understood it correctly). There is currently no tryton module to manage such workflow.


It’s not the first time I see a merge request with the Draft status. What does it mean in the Tryton developpement worklfow?


Do you mean Tryton offer a possible/easy calendar representation of records with dates fields (like productions have a calendar representation)?

I try to test/evaluate the Stock Consignment Module, but despite the existing documentation, I don’t understand how it work.

PS: By the way (and in a general constructive spirit - because I intend to support the whole of my business model on Tryton, as the most powerfull libre ERP :slight_smile: ), it is not always obvious to “retrouver naturellement ses petits” and I think we have a job to do on this, in order to democratise Tryton for a wider user audience. But maybe we’ve been too used to ease, while behind every concept modelled in Tryton, there’s a complexity inherent in a trade or set of features. IMO

Cool. Were can I test it and, eventually, will it be merge on a future Tryton default branch? :slight_smile:

Our development is private and we do not have any plan to submit it to tryton default branch. I think it is something that its not easly submited and it will require to first write a specification of the module to agree on the needed functionalities.

If you want to move it forward, it will be great if you can write a blueprint/idea topic with your requirements. I will be happy to share our desing there so we can evolve it to something generic that may land on tryton someday if our BDFL wants.

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