Sale subscription for first payment

It’s common for subscriptions to have a fee on the start of the subscriptions, gym memberships is the most common one. The first month you need to pay the monthly amount + the start fee, the next periods just the monthly amount.

I’ve checked sale subscription and can not find a way to do it. Any suggestions?

Sorry, dummy question, I was obsessed with recurrence rule and did not think beyond. I can’t see the forest from the trees.

The solution is to create the line for the fee with end date, so just the first month that line will be billed.

Thanks @pokoli .

This sounds more like a hack because you will have to create a subscription service with recurrence for something that is not a subscription service.

I think it will be better to have an explicit fees computation (a little bit like the carrier cost) which add invoice line to the generated invoices of the subscription.

Also it would be good to have a sale_subscription_invoice_grouping that can group subscription invoices together and with sale invoices. This way extra services or goods can be added to the next subscription invoice.

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