Revenue lines linked to parties

Hi all,
for payable and receivable accounts I see a party in each move line of the account.
I understand from When to use party_required in Chart of Accounts? - #2 by pokoli
that this depends on the setting of party_required = true

Is there a way to get Tryton to link the revenue lines to the party of the invoice?
The revenue account does not have the option to set the flag (it’s not visible) and the moves are not linked to the party.

When is the flag party_required available?
What is the concept behind it?

Regards Jakob

Tryton is not designed to support sub-account per party for income accounts (only the balance accounts).

But usually your request is about having reporting about the revenue per customer. This can be found in the sale reportings per customer.
Or if you need more complex setup, you can still use analytic accounting.

I was’t thinking of a subaccount. I just thought that: if a move line can be linked to a party, as it is done for payables and receivables, why not just do it vor revenue lines as well, since the party is well-defined (afais).
Cheers Jakob

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