Reset non-deferral accounts: which accounts should be used?


I’m trying to finally close my first accounting year in tryton, and I’m a bit hesitant faced with the « Balance non-deferral » wizard: which accounts am I supposed to use ?

I’m using the Belgian chart of accounts.

« 140 Résultat reporté » seems like a natural target for debit and credit. But there it is: the wizard asks for two accounts, so maybe there’s an accounting rule that states that those moves should be aggregated somewhere else and then another move should put the result in 140 ?

Can anyone help ?


While I’m not expert in belgian chart of accounts it seems that you picked the “Reported result” account which sounds like a good idea for me.

There are two accounts in case you need to use diferent account depending on the sign of the result. If you just have a single account (which is the same as we do in spain) you can just enter the same account in both credit and debit fields.

Hope this helps!

ok I went ahead and all seems well :slight_smile:
