Request entity too large when adding attachment

When adding a attachment to a supplier invoice, i get the error Request entity too large. The attachment is less than 1 MB.

The standard limit is 2 MB as I get from the documentation. I am running latest tryton on docker from trytond/trytond:office image. I added the variable: declare -x TRYTOND_REQUEST__MAX_SIZE=“0” in the container acccording to the docu and ran: trytond-admin -d mydb --all

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Regards Jakob (sorry for the many posts today)

Maybe it is not trytond that reject the request but a proxy in the middle.

sorry, that was nobrainer… Weekend:

For Doku
nginx server { … client_max_body_size 100M; }
add this line to each server section in the nginx.conf (or however its called in your setup) on the path to the trytond server.

do a: (docker exec nginxcontainer) nginx -t (for test)
do a: (docker exec nginxcontainer) nginx -s reload