Record modified values on records' logs

Hello battracians,

My palmated fingers are fine: with Tryton, it’s holidays every day! ( (it’s a beautiful sun shining spring week-end, here, from Nantes)… bref. :slight_smile:

What is the rational reason why on, records’ logs, values of modified field are not recorded to?

By this way, in my example bellow, I should see what was the value, user modification after user modification, no?

(Let me guess the answer :slight_smile: :

  1. No body need that kind of finest log;
  2. Technically, figure out that it will increase the DB volume for nothing;
  3. For a finest log, there is trytond’s logs.)

Hum… with double click on a line, there is a lot of informations here, no? Does my whish really increase the DB volume?

For two reasons, storage size (ex: binary fields can be large) and security (ex: fields may not be accessible to everyone).

If you need that you can activate the history on the model.


J’ai bien fait de poser la question: je pourrai expliquer tout ça à d’autres, merci!