Recommended IDE and few recommended starting point

I am about to start working on a software based on Tryton and thus in need of an assistance.

First of all, I would like to get some recommendation for the IDE - I use PyCharm Pro; however I found it problematic when I wanted to open project (my guess is because large number of modules). I increased heap but no benefit. Or maybe it is really a long process and I should have waited more.

Second (and more important) is: are there any recommended books, tutorials, videos - anything that will help me to get going as quick as possible?

Thank you kindly.

May I ask which one out of curiosity?

There is the coopengo’s tutorial using git: Home · coopengo/tryton-training Wiki · GitHub
It will get you started on the topic of module development AFAIK (maybe @JCavallo can give you more information about it).

I have updated the tryton-training mercurial repository (using evolve) and I plan to upload it once the training I am giving on tryton is over. It would be nice if we can merge both B2CK and Coopengo’s efforts somehow.

About the functional side of Tryton we don’t have much more then the official documentation:

I use neovim with some snippets for the XML (because it’s quite boring to remember) and a plugin to do some linting. It’s hardly a full-featured IDE but it suits my needs.

Once again, I remember that Jean has showed me in Barcelona his neovim setup which included police siren when there was an error :crazy_face:.

I also try with VIM but i’ve now switched to Visual Studio Code ( with extensions : python, magicpython and Visual Studio Intellicode.

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Agreed with @maxx. As of now, me and my entire team has moved to Visual Studio Code. We were using Sublime earlier.

It will be a health application, similar to GNU health.

As for the IDE, I might try to give Visual Studio Code a chance. Btw, my OS is Gentoo.

I am particularly interested in stuff like, eg. extending/using Tryton libraries to use for role/permission access, JWT token authentication, SqlAlchemy and similar technologies I am familiar with. Is this possible?

Thank you kindly

Tryton has its own ORM. I recommend using it instead of accessing the database directly (through SQLAlchemy or any other mean) because this way you will use the validation code and guarantee the coherent state of your database wrt the Tryton model.

The authentication mechanism is pluggable so I guess you will be able to use those.

OK, I understand, will do it as you recommended

Good to hear.

I almost forget - does Tryton supports Swagger (3 preferrable, but 2 is also OK)?


What’s swagger?

I found the website but I fail to understand what it provides (I get it that it’s related to API design but I don’t see the value or the tools that swagger provides).

Anyway the whole API is built around a few JSON-RPC calls but since we’re using werkzeug you can also provide your own API if you want.

It provide ways to test and document API endpoints which can come in handy when you have to expose you API to e.g. UI team

Thanks for all your help!

We used PyCharm but we moved to Sublime with anaconda plugin and Tryton snippets a couple of years ago.

Interesting! Could you give some feedback about this decision?

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Don’t you mind to share what plugin you use to get working snippets in vim/neovim??

And… exists any shared repo with “official” tryton snippets to be used among any editor (neovim, vim, sublime…)?

I use neosnippet with some custom made snippets for the XML (mainly for ir.ui.view, ir.model.access and ir.model.button definitions)

The snippets: Debian paste error

We discussed it with @ced some times ago but never actually did took some time to create it.

Thank you

Thanks for share

It would be fantastic!!!

Hi Sergio,

cannot find these snippets for Sublime by links provided — where are they now?


we moved to You can find it here.
But some snippets are out of date. Feel free to create a MR if desired.

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