Purchasing inventory into an asset account

Since merging account kind and account type (as described in this discussion), just wondered whether anyone had tips on how to set up a purchase of inventory from a supplier to debit an asset account (for raw materials inventory in job-order costing, for example)? Or is there a different approach I should be taking?

Well you just define the product purchased as an asset and use the right account as expense.

Thanks for the response, @ced. From what I have been able to discover (just learning Tryton module development), that only works if the product is listed as an asset and marked as depreciable. If this is true, the purchase uses the product.account_asset_used account in the account_asset module to replace the account on the invoice line:


But I don’t want to depreciate inventory (though it may sometimes be revalued), but to treat it as a normal cost flow, assigning inventory costs to jobs directly or as overhead.

I’m using Anglo-Saxon stock accounting, but it looks to me like the account_stock_continental and account_stock_anglo_saxon modules don’t have a similar override for purchase.get_invoice_line. Nor can I select stock accounts for them on the invoice lines after the purchase has been processed and the draft invoice generated, because the account_invoice module is looking for accounts of type revenue, expense, or debt (with the addition of fixed_asset if the account_asset module is installed).

This seems like a basic requirement, so am I overlooking something? Or is the normal approach with Tryton to treat inventory accounts as fixed assets?

I would expect that, according to the documentation, on the supplier invoice, “the cost of the Product at reception is debited on the Account Stock IN”.

As I’m reading further, it looks like there is a separation between the lines of the invoice (that generate certain accounting moves) and the stock moves that generate new accounting moves only after the goods are received. I think this is where I am getting hung up in my understanding, but this makes sense from a FOB point of view.

So does this mean, in Anglo-Saxon stock accounting, that the expense account is treated more as a suspense account while awaiting receipt of the goods?

Then do not depreciate them.

I do not understand what you mean. An account is an account, a fixed assets is a product.

For sure the stock accounting can only be booked once the goods are received.

Yes, thanks for the clarifications, and don’t worry about my earlier question about fixed assets. Everything is clear to me now regarding inventory purchases. Thanks (y’all) for creating such a great project!

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